Card importer v1.0.1.9

Prerequisites: .Net framework 4.8.1

Steps to set up Card importer- 

1. Download the installation file below.

2. Unzip the file.

3. Run Setup_SmartCard_Importer.exe from Setup_SmartCard_Importer folder.

4. Go to installation folder 

8. Find the file name SmartCard Importer.exe - CONFIG  right click on this file and Run as Administrator

8. After running config file, below window will pop up

9. Enter Client Key provided by Monitor WA and Press Save Button.

10. Press Get Configuration from server button from config window to make CSV file options available.


11. Set up CSV file path, Please note: export file path must have full permission to read and write. 


12. Service- Press Install and then Start. 

Please Note: Port 4343 must open, otherwise software wouldn't run.